
Securely redact information

Easily redact text and/or images from within a document or bundle, to ensure sensitive information is securely shielded.


How it works

The swift redaction of sensitive information

Enhance the security of your documents and bundles effortlessly with the redaction tool. This incredibly useful document bundling feature ensures that specific text and/or images are no longer searchable or visible.

Streamline and simplify your document management processes, all the while ensuring the utmost protection of sensitive information. With the incorporation of redaction, you can confidently manage your documents, knowing that your confidential data remains safeguarded.


1. Collect files

Start the redaction process by gathering all the relevant files and documents together. This can be done manually or through our software integration to ensure all the necessary information is ready for redaction.


2. Enable redaction

Protecting sensitive information is a breeze! The redaction tool is integrated seamlessly with Zylpha Bundling, making it a swift and essential part of your document management process, and the most efficient method of shielding sensitive data. To activate the feature you just need to turn it on.


3. Protect sensitive information

Highlight the text and/or images you wish to protect, then simply press the redact button. The information you selected is then quickly secured and is no longer searchable or visible.

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