
Data Center Security

As a company that takes data security and privacy very seriously, we recognise that Zylpha’s data security practices are important to you. While we don’t like to expose too much detail around our practices (as it can empower the very people, we are protecting ourselves against), we have provided some general information to give you confidence in how we secure the data entrusted to us.

Zylpha Online Bundling is built on Azure App Services with the inbuilt security that Microsoft provides. You can find more information on Azure App Services.

The App Services use Azure zonal redundancy to ensure a highly durable service.The services are synchronized across 3 zones (each zone being one or more data centres) in the Azure UK South region. This applies to both the web services and the document storage. The document storage is also copied to the Azure UK West region, keeping all data under the England and Wales jurisdiction.

Protection from Data Loss, Corruption

As the documents stored are copies of the local source documents, there is currently no restore option provided to end users in the event of accidental deletion.

The Azure databases used by the application are not accessible via public end points. Access is via private virtual network. Data is encrypted at rest and backed up automatically.

Application-Level Security

As the service stores the converted documents used in the bundles, the storage of the document data is of critical importance. The document storage has the following security and backup configuration:

Other application security features include:

Internal IT Security

Protocol & Education

ISO 27001 Certification

The International Organization for Standardization 27001 Standard (ISO 27001) is an information security standard that ensures office sites, development centres, support centres, and data centres are securely managed. These certifications run for 3 years (renewal audits) and have annual touchpoint audits (surveillanceaudits).

Zylpha follows a constantly reviewed and improved information security policy and is certified to ISO 27001. Our certification number is: GB22/00000243.

Protecting Ourselves Against You

Yes, you heard that correctly. We can secure ourselves like Fort Knox, but if your computer gets compromised and someone gets into your Zylpha account, that’s not good for either of us.

Investing in your privacy

Our products are designed with a ‘privacy first’ mindset and train our developers and engineers to make sure our products and features comply with UK laws.

Report a data security issue

To report a data security issue please fill in the form below or email:

Data Security - Whitepaper

Download: Online Bundling Data Security document.